release day

finally ...
i dare to release this blog today.
i don't have any idea what kind of history happening today that make me release this blog - after 3 months saving - eventually.

probably i pledge something to myself, today? kah?


true debater 1

Introduction to the World of Debate

I am a debater. Unfortunately [laugh]. I am a debater who pathetically lost in the meaning of debate. Seriously, was it because I think too much? Or I just realized that I didn’t think of anything?


These questions have been bugged me around since first I enter the ‘dark’ world of debate. Oh no, not debate in that way. You mean by yelling around the folks trying to get yourself being listened? No…not of that, though.

Okay, let’s start from the very beginning. What is the meaning of debate? According to Oxford University Press Online Dictionary*, debate (n) means: a formal discussion of an issue at a public meeting or in a parliament. Based on that definition, I can infer that debate is a formal thing. I mean, you know, sometimes people being confused on the word debate and argue. Still according to Oxford University Press Online Dictionary, argue (v)~ (with sb) (about/over sth) itself means: to speak angrily to somebody because you disagree with them. See the difference?

Back to the main topic, considering to those definitions, the word “debate” is more about formal and discussion. Let’s skip the word “formal”. Let’s assume that the word “discussion” is more prioritized.

When we discuss, basically we are facing a problem of some things around us and trying to solve the problem. Usually it appears when something is not right and should or shouldn’t be fixed. Or something is controversial among people. And practically, in every discussion there’s always a bunch of people that support the issues. And the rest of them are against the issue-or maybe I should put one more space for those who stay neutral?

That’s, I think, the basic dynamic of discussion that I’m trying to figure out. So let’s go to the next word: “formal”.

When I think of something formal, the first thing that comes to my mind is: it must’ve involved many people. I mean, there’s an arrangement of debate and it consists of those who are speaking on the affirmative side and those who are speaking on the negative side. It must also have those who are in between to control the way it’s going on (could be a mediator, timekeeper, of whatever else). Then the next thing that also important is: rules. It must have rules to make sure that everybody is able to respect their opponent’s points of few.

So overall, I believe that the most basic thing that differs debating an arguing is rules. Rules of debating cause the debater to be anyhow control their emotion. However, emotion is required, of course, to convince the listeners or judges to vote for their side. But emotion is not the most important thing because debate is not speaking angrily-like I mentioned before which is the definition of argue-just to make the people believe that your side is right. The thing that should be emphasized on debate is the way of reasoning on the issue based on objection and supported by evidence. (to be continued)***

*Definition copyright: Oxford University Press, 2005.
Picture copyright:

random stuff i did

I’ve just finished reading an awfully amazing manga series, Death Note. It drives me crazy lately since I’m so curious to follow the story till the very end. And today, I finished the final volume!

Although I finally found out my analysis to be true [gee…I even did my analysis the night before I got the final book to challenge myself how Light will end up with. It’s not like me. LOL] that the main character, Light Yagami = L = KIRA is dead. And the way is dead is killed by his Shinigami, Ryuk, which I estimated 15% on my hypothesis (I thought either Near or Mello would kill him). It’s sad for me though, cause personally I hate a bad ending while the main character will eventually die. But apparently this whole thing will be meaningless if it won’t end up finish like this [and don’t you think it will be lame if it ends kind of fancy happy ending?]
Still, the ending is fair, I think. Hmm… [come to think of it, I’d be way more crazy].

I gotta say, I love this series!! Thumbs up for Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata.***

random people

The writing you see below was actually my essay that I wrote in the past year before I came to United States for my exchange study program. When I looked up today, I suddenly felt that it's literally not a bad essay :-)
Somehow I feel good about it. I wonder, why could I write these things?

Katsumoto Moritsugu

Do you ever watch an epic movie which titled The Last Samurai?
If you ever watch that movie, I think you still remember with Katsumoto Moritsugu. He was the last leader of an ancient line of warriors, the venerated Samurai, who dedicated their lives to serving emperor and country.

Well, I don’t know exactly why I’m so amazed with this figure of Katsumoto in that movie. Perhaps, the director gave his best choice for choosing Ken Watanabe as Katsumoto so that I could get the charisma easily and get the point of message that he will bring it on.
But actually I don’t want to talk about the director, or the movie, or the actor and actress in this essay. What I’m going to do is to learn about the character of Katsumoto as a loyal and powerful convictions leader at that moment.
Let’s say that the story of The Last Samurai is true and we have ever seen the Katsumoto before!

As a leader, Katsumoto have to be smart. And he did. We can see in the movie when he was not executing Nathan Algren-in the movie, Tom Cruise played as this guy-as his enemy to face the death soon but he brought that American brave soldier to his home. And what he going to do was learning from that soldier about how he win in those fights, and about how he was be as a Captain.

And I think that a good leader never stop to learn from any sources that he can get, even to his rivals. And I learn that from Katsumoto.
Again, I learn from Katsumoto that a leader must be objective over his emotion. In the movie, I still remember when he was difficult to make a conversation with Nathan Algren because the Captain still being so mad of his confusing condition. The Captain have shouted and screamed all day long but Katsumoto always face it calmly with a deep thinking.

But somehow, the most important thing that I admire him so much is because his sense of honor that guides him into loyalty and great dedication of life. He and so all of the Samurai spend their lifetime for one destination that they believe of it. They have an outstanding discipline and as a leader, Katsumoto defend it till the end. Till he fight in an act of determining war. Till he have to die to finish his job for serving the emperor.

And after all, I as a student have learned so many things from a person like Katsumoto. How I have to be objective person and make it prior than my emotion especially in teenager life. How I have to be loyal and dedicate my life through my destination of life, through my idealism. And one thing, that success cannot be happen without a great dedication and discipline of life.***

That's is my essay. Reading it one more time, I feel that I want to see the movie again. This movie is a very good movie to watch and I will never get bored to watch it all over again-like I watch Jumanji hundred times since I was a kid. I feel pretty deep cultural experiment and emotional appearances anytime I watch this movie.

If you haven't seen this movie, I gotta say : Too bad...

cultural event

Last Saturday I went to 15th Annual Street Painting Festival in Downtown Lake Worth, Florida with my friends and her family. It is the first time I saw this kind of festival in United States.

The view was quite crowded. Many people were very interested to see the masterpiece of each artist shed in a big grey road on Downtown Lake Worth’s street. As an exchange student, I was so glad that I could see one of the biggest Art Festival in Florida. I spend more than 3 hours looking around the painting, eating the funnel cake which I love, and listening to the performance in the park. That was quite a day for me and my friends.

I was also taking some pictures of the painting. I wish I could participate someday. Um…probably in the Art Festival in Indonesia =D

Look at this painting! How amazing!!
I like the way to paint the earth. And there’s something underneath that says 2012 and some symbols of something. I am not sure what is all about but I think this might be a kind of philosophical painting.

And this painting is about Titanic. How cool is that?

And this one is titled: Buying the Bull. This painting described about economical phenomenon. This was created by Jeff Needle and Bob Chamberlain.

Go SpongeBob!! =D

This one is awesome too. I wonder how is it like after it finished. It must be AMAAAAZIIING!! Look how detail they’ve painted! It looks like real picture in the frame!

This one is my favorite. I also took a picture of the sketch. Look how pretty this painting is!!!

And this is me, Olivia, Marcela, and Alicia [left to right]. Thank guys for making this day a wonderful day for me.

February 22nd, 2009
Lake Worth, Florida.

I was trying to do my homework while a minute ago I’ve just received a tag from one of my best friend on Facebook. It was just a simple picture. I thought it was not a big deal but…

I just realized that time run so fast. I just realized and questioned myself: how I did so far? What did I do? What did I get? Did I achieve something…or…did I just waste something?
These questions just bring me to my final question:

Will that happy-little girl-face will still with me in my arrival day?

Well…you still have time remaining till you think you’ve had that face back.
courtesy of picture : Ardy Notowidigdo

first song or poet ?!

Spreading out in the cold of the day
While the wind blowing out the falling leaves
I am walking lonely with my full brain
Speaking, whispering, only to my soul.

Standing in front of a peach tree
I take a deep breath and see my mouth going smoky
I can smile, just a little bit.

If you know that your life will be in trouble…
Who says that life is good?
But life is somewhat you have to take
Although in vain, take courage on yourself and you’ll be fine.

Sitting silently in a crowded noise
The boy sitting beside me wondering
What a weird girl she is
But somehow he wants to know abou
t her
And it’s just in his imagination.

If you know that your life will be in trouble…
Who says that life is good?
But life is not something you have to blame,
Although it’s hard, believe in yourself, and say that you can.

Nobody can take you from your dignity.
Nothing else can beat you from your spirit.
So what still make you worried?

If you know that your life will be in trouble…
Who says that life is good?
But life is not a pool of tears.
Although there’s some fears, stand up…and look at the sun,
And say that you can!

first essay

My Dreams and My Goals in Life

I believe that every human was born with a dream. At least, a dream which their parents want their children to be something. And when every kid grew up, they’ve seen many fabulous thing that they want, someday, they want it to be theirs. I think, that is when the dreams come from.
When I was a little kid, I had many big dreams which I think it will be irrational to be considered based upon my condition right now as a teenager. I dreamed to be an F1 racer, because I used to be told by my father that Ferrari is cool. Then I also read about go-kart’s stuff which made me feel much more interested. But that are just an ordinary dream as a kid, and I didn’t have any interest of that anymore.

Since I entered school (Elementary School) and I was introduced to the English language in 3rd grade, I became interested. English is the first foreign language for me at that time. And people in my country believe that English is a kind of “cool” language. Every movie speaks English (for foreign movie). And they also quoted, “if you can master English, you can go abroad and travel around the world…wherever you wanna go”.

In that time, I became very interested to learn another language beside my local languages in Indonesia. I thought that was unique. Learning different language and learning different people is kind of interesting. So I asked my mom to register me into a language course.

At first she refused. She thought that taking a course is a lot of money to spend. It is yet expensive. And we are not from a wealthy family that can get anything easily. I was disappointed at that time. Very disappointed. I was not big enough to understand about my family. I just feel I can’t get everything easily from my mom. I need to study hard and achieve something before I get what I want. That is what my mom always taught me.

Then, I had good news. I had a neighbor who just came back from Australia to learn English or to do some business which I didn’t really know. And then my neighbor was going to open a little school in his home to teach kids some English.

That plan was being talked about among my neighborhood in my residence. After that, my mom was getting interested and she signed me up to join with other kids to learn English.
I was so happy at that time. I can’t wait to go to my teacher’s house which is officially my English school. I went there twice a week. At first I was the only student in my class but after a few weeks the other kids come. We learned English together and having fun with it.

I love my English teacher. He always pushed us to speak rather than giving confusing grammar although we studied about that too. After a certain level of learning English with him, he usually held a test: oral and writing test. It usually held in the end of every three or four months. Oral test is frightening for many students, included me. But after learning there for some years, I considered oral test as the most important and the most exciting part after all.

I did learn English for six years with my teacher until I finished the advance level when I was in Middle School. And in that time, I strongly believed that someday I wanted to go to another country to use my English and later become an English teacher or lecture in my country. That was my dream when I was in Middle School.

Then, in my first year of High School, I made a target or resolution in New Year. The first prior target is going abroad. I knew that was impossible at that time, considering that my family was having financial problems and there’s no reason for me to go outside the country since I was still a student of High School. But I believe that Les Brown ever said in his quote, “Shoot the moon…even if you miss, you’ll land in the stars”. I believe that it is not wrong to put the target as high as we can.

Just some months after I entered High School, there was a selection for students to go to Singapore in Sunburst Youth Camp at my school. Of course I tried it because I thought this is my chance to go to another country. Finally I’ve been chosen by my school with my debate mate to go to National selection.

But at that time, I and my debate mate was still new student from High School, I mean…a kind of freshmen. And the other contestants were really good and talented. Of course, well, we failed. The tests was freaking hard. But I was not fully disappointed with myself, because not only the test was so hard, but also I got some friends from all part of the Nation there. I met new people, new talented people with hope and dreams, just like me. So I decided not to be so sad and frustrated but be spirit and keep up on everything I’ve got. I believe, that was just a warming up for me. I believe, someday there will be another chance for me.

After that, in the second year, I joined the AFS (American Field Service) exchange study program, just to give another shot to my target. And after 1 year selection, eventually I was chosen to go to United States and I got a full scholarship for a year program. At first, I was happy, of course, just like I’ve won a competition. But later, I can’t describe my happiness. Not because I won something, but because I just make my first prior and the most sort of impossible target becomes true. The target that I’ve made in the 1st day of January in 2007 before I watched the Spiderman movie (I even remember what I did that day).

The most important thing I learned about dreams are you can be whatever you want if you commit to yourself that you won’t stop learning. And my goal in life is, learn…learn….and learn until I find what this world want me to be. To me, I just want to make this world a better place in the right path. “Never stop walking, although you have to drag your face and the road eventually may fork”, that’s the thing I really want to do right now. Learning, and learning, until I find what the real meaning of this life is. ***

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