true debater 1

Introduction to the World of Debate

I am a debater. Unfortunately [laugh]. I am a debater who pathetically lost in the meaning of debate. Seriously, was it because I think too much? Or I just realized that I didn’t think of anything?


These questions have been bugged me around since first I enter the ‘dark’ world of debate. Oh no, not debate in that way. You mean by yelling around the folks trying to get yourself being listened? No…not of that, though.

Okay, let’s start from the very beginning. What is the meaning of debate? According to Oxford University Press Online Dictionary*, debate (n) means: a formal discussion of an issue at a public meeting or in a parliament. Based on that definition, I can infer that debate is a formal thing. I mean, you know, sometimes people being confused on the word debate and argue. Still according to Oxford University Press Online Dictionary, argue (v)~ (with sb) (about/over sth) itself means: to speak angrily to somebody because you disagree with them. See the difference?

Back to the main topic, considering to those definitions, the word “debate” is more about formal and discussion. Let’s skip the word “formal”. Let’s assume that the word “discussion” is more prioritized.

When we discuss, basically we are facing a problem of some things around us and trying to solve the problem. Usually it appears when something is not right and should or shouldn’t be fixed. Or something is controversial among people. And practically, in every discussion there’s always a bunch of people that support the issues. And the rest of them are against the issue-or maybe I should put one more space for those who stay neutral?

That’s, I think, the basic dynamic of discussion that I’m trying to figure out. So let’s go to the next word: “formal”.

When I think of something formal, the first thing that comes to my mind is: it must’ve involved many people. I mean, there’s an arrangement of debate and it consists of those who are speaking on the affirmative side and those who are speaking on the negative side. It must also have those who are in between to control the way it’s going on (could be a mediator, timekeeper, of whatever else). Then the next thing that also important is: rules. It must have rules to make sure that everybody is able to respect their opponent’s points of few.

So overall, I believe that the most basic thing that differs debating an arguing is rules. Rules of debating cause the debater to be anyhow control their emotion. However, emotion is required, of course, to convince the listeners or judges to vote for their side. But emotion is not the most important thing because debate is not speaking angrily-like I mentioned before which is the definition of argue-just to make the people believe that your side is right. The thing that should be emphasized on debate is the way of reasoning on the issue based on objection and supported by evidence. (to be continued)***

*Definition copyright: Oxford University Press, 2005.
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